Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Feminist Waves

Wave 1

  • Early 20th Century.
  • Right to Vote.
  • The women's suffrage movement (aka woman suffrage) was the struggle for the right of women to vote and run for office and is part of the overall women's rights movement.
Image result for suffrage movement

Image result for suffrage movement

Wave 2

  • 1960's - 1990's
  • Second-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity and thought that began in the United States in the early 1960's and lasted roughly two decades. It quickly spread across the Western world, with an aim to increase equality for women by gaining more than just enfranchisement.
  • Abortion/pills.
  • Reproductive rights.

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Image result for feminist wave 2

Wave 3

  • 1990's.
  • Present, empowerment.
  • Reclaiming of femininity (high heel, sexuality).

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Image result for empire lion

Wave 4

  • 2010 ongoing.
  • Use of new technology and digital media
  • Twitter and social media for activism. 
Image result for fourth wave feminism

Image result for fourth wave feminism

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