Thursday, October 11, 2018



Editing:The stage in the film making process in which sound and images are organised into an overall       narrative.

Continuity editing: combining more-or-less related shots, or different components cut from a single shot, into a sequence so as to direct the viewer's attention to a pre-existing consistency of story across both time and physical location.

Jump cut: an abrupt transition from one scene to another.

Credits: Info at beginning and ending of a film, which gives detail of cast and crew and etc.

Sound in Film

Foley sound - sound added in post production/after production.

Diegetic sound - Natural sound e.g. voices, objects and doors slaming.

Non diegetic sound - Comes from outside the story e.g. narrators voice or voice over as well as sound effects added for dramatic effects(mood music).

Contrapuntal sound - soft music with a violent or harsh scene e.g. happy music with a slaughter happening in the background.

Sound motif - Recurring music.

Synchronous sound - sound that is matched to certain movements occurring in the scene e.g when footsteps correspond to feet walking.

 Asynchronous sound -. Diegetic sound that is heard prior to the depiction of the action that produces it or that continues after that action is no longer onscreen.

sound effects - a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, film, or other broadcast production.

Sound bridge -  type of sound editing that occurs when sound carries over a visual transition in a film.

sonic flashback - describes the technique of using sound from earlier in the film during a later scene.